Planning your wedding can be a lot of fun and yet when you start to realise the prices of most things associated with weddings you soon start to become rather stressed. Weddings and wedding planning usually comes with a set of rules and traditions set down by society, a list of things that you “must have” at your wedding. It is usually these things that will cost a lot of money because wedding vendors know that most brides and grooms will unquestioningly follow the rules and buy these things for the wedding no matter how much it costs.The truth is however, a wedding can be anything you want it to be.It does not have to have a big flowing white ball gown or an expensive tuxedo. These are simply traditions that have been passed down with time but really, you can wear anything to your wedding and have a wedding that is unique to you and your significant other. In fact, your guests will also find it refreshing to attend a wedding that is different from all the hundreds of other weddings that they have attended. 

Dare to be different

Location is the most important aspect that you need to plan and book well ahead of time. Choose to have your wedding at a unique wedding venue Melbourne that is not a wedding venue at all. This will not only save you thousands of dollars but it will also make your wedding unique and different. 

You can choose anything from a conference venue to someone’s backyard to host your wedding. The important thing for you to remember is that there are no rules and your locations are only limited by your own imagination. Check this out for more information regarding conference venue. 

Save money

It is important for you to try to save as much money as possible on your wedding. While you may want to have a memorable party, it is also important for you to keep in mind that you will have a life after your big day too and it is important for you to have some money saved up to prepare for this new life with your new spouse. Choose to do fun things that do not cost much money. Bake your own wedding cake. It may not be conventional but it will add a personal touch to your wedding. If you do not know how to bake a cake, start learning ahead and practicing months ahead so you can impress your guests with your baking skills. Similarly, have your family and best friends bring over food for a potluck type party.

Emelina Cedillo